
To inspire the global community towards building a more sustainable future by presenting factual and educational content.

GlobalWarming.com is a passion project of its founders, Rod Browning and Viplav Mishra. There is no political agenda here. Just a strong desire to provide information and resources to those who wish to take action that will reverse the impact of global warming and climate change.

Quite often, the conversations around global warming and climate change are that of ‘gloom and doom.’ Psychological studies show people are more attracted to negative stories, a phenomena known as “negativity bias.” This constant barrage of negative headlines can leave us feeling hopeless, like nothing we do will make a difference.

This could not be further from the truth! Change starts with ONE. ONE person or ONE company can be the inspiration for millions. In addition to educating, our mission includes highlighting the incredible, positive effects of climate initiatives happening around the globe.

We hope that by doing so, you will share in our passion to make our collective legacy one of restoration and preservation so that future generations can enjoy the beauty of our wondrous earth.

Climatology or climate science is the study of climate, scientifically defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time.


To lead an environmental revolution where both corporations and consumers are committed to taking action, ensuring our planet’s health for future generations.